Sunday 25 October 2015

Lava Creature

In class we got given a sculpture of a rock creature and had to add lava into his body, I experimented different paint techniques to create a lava effect and tried it on this image down below.

Our task was to design a Lava creature by using a certain painting method. I started of my research with a few designs of lava creatures.

Here are a few sketches of my Ideas:

Here is my final design, I really like the robotic lava coming out of his skin because it gives the monster for depth.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Body Porportions

This task was about understanding Body Proportions. We had to design 2 characters, an Elf and a Dwarf.

For my first Elf design, I got my inspiration from Night Elf's in World of Warcraft and decided to design a modern night elf which glows during the night. She is currently wearing a glowing body suit and she specializes in fire magic. Alongside, her ears, eyes and headband, I chose these parts to glow as well because it brings out her features more. 

For my Dwarf character, I used an inspiration from the Smurfs and I wanted a fat, chubby dwarf that has a long beautiful blue beard who has fists that are on fire and deals a lot of damage. I added glasses to my dwarf because I want him to be intelligent. 

Overall, I am very happy with both my designs, because I invested more time into blending different shades of colors together and using the smudge tool to blend the colors in. I decided to flip the canvas of my character because its a great way to check errors and to see the character in a whole new angle. 

Saturday 3 October 2015

Creature Character Silouettes

This task was to use images of Crustaceans and create 3 Design Silhouettes. Here is my Mood board on a variety of pictures of Crustaceans creatures.

Black Silhouettes: 

For these designs I used a couple of images from my mood board and incorporated it into each of my creatures. For the 1st image I used this image as a template to get an overview of what to design and took certain body parts from other crustaceans and combined them together. 

A Few Images I used for my creatures:

In Greyscale:

My idea for the 2nd Silhouette was pretty simple, I got the idea from crabs and there claws, there body and feet. As I developed the creature I just experimented with different sizes of the claws and it worked really well.

My final idea, was my favorite one because I took the head of one of my pictures from my mood board and used that as a starting point to evolve my character and the results were impressive since the creature looks pretty evil. 

Here is my designs in Color:

Overall, I really like all my creature designs because they all look really unique in there own way and the use of the different shades of black to create tone and features on the bodies. 

Friday 2 October 2015

Understanding One-Point Perspective and Evolving

This task was an interesting one because I have never drawn one point perspective but over time as I watched a few tutorials on how to do one-point perspective I learnt the basic principles and applied it to one of my own design of a City Town Center!

Practice Drawing a Room in One-Point Perspective:

2nd Drawing of an Urban Motorway Underpass:

Final Design:

Overall, I really liked my finished design because it challenges all the aspects of the one point perspective by adding more perspective points to create interesting angles to this environment. I really like the middle house and the cross roads because It really represents what a city town looks like in real life. I also feel the colour combinations are eye catching and bold which makes it good environment art.

Robot Concept Work

This task was to create and come up with a 'Bad Ass' Robot character.

 My influence came from a sculpture I took in Thailand of a Steam Punk creature made out of old machine gun parts. The setting I was going for was an old Western. I got inspiration from the sculpture and a movie called 'The Good, The Bad, The Ugly'. 

I thought this was interesting and so I took this idea and evolved it into a Mexican Robot with a Sombrero. (I like Sombreros)  

Here are a few rough drawings of  concept ideas for the robot:

Final Concept Design:

Overall, I really liked the whole idea of the old gun machine parts and how I evolved it to a Mexican Robot Sheriff and I thought it looked 'Bad-Ass'. The process of designing this robot went really well since I had a basic overall shape of my robot and I just added a few features and evolved it to a even better robot and in the end it turned out pretty good. I used different shades of colors; Brown, Dark Brow, Yellow, Orange, Red and just blended it in and it turned out nice.