Monday 28 March 2016

Insectoid Creature Character Design!


For this assignment, I have to create an Insectoid Creature that will be ready to be 3D modelled. The theme for my Creature will be a Mummified Insect. 

Here are a few rough sketches:

This was my favourite sketch.

Here is my Final Design that I decided to go for. It is a mummified Insect with 4 legs. The ears with the ball at the end is its eyes. I decided not to put the eyes on his main face because I wanted to keep that mummified look clean.

In conclusion, It took me quite a while to understand and draw the 3/4 view but was really fun to draw. I liked this overal theme especially the color combinations work really well. Throughout, my thought process I decided to think of the color scheme for my insect and so I decided to go for a rotten mummified look by using Black, White and different shades of red because it will shows the insect side more clearer. Overall, this was a fun task and I enjoyed creating this creature and I understand how to draw 3/4 angle.

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